Webhosts n Domains Howto: Choose the right web hosting company for your business SwashataMay 15, 20124 We have discussed a lot about web hosting and domains previously. One of the most important thing to consider while...
PHP Login, Logout and Administrate using PHP SESSION, COOKIE & MySQL – Version 2 with remember me option SwashataMay 12, 201258 So, our last post on creating login admin and logout seems to be pretty backdated. We decided to come up with a new...
Projects WP Category Post List version 2 released SwashataFebruary 17, 201240 So after around one year of first release, I finally came up with the 2nd version of the 5 star rated WordPress...
WP Programming Get post count of a category including sub-categories in WordPress SwashataJanuary 29, 20125 From the title, you probably have guessed what I am going to talk about. In WordPress, we have many APIs to list down...
MySQL MySQL: Working with date time arithmetic #Part 2.3.1 SwashataDecember 19, 20112 So, this is the second last part of the long awaited MySQL datetime series. Previously we have leant how to work with...
C & C++ Sample Prorgams C Program: Replacing a substring from a string SwashataDecember 1, 20116 This is a nice piece of program I wrote a few months ago. One of my students requested me to write this. So, here it...
C & C++ Sample Prorgams C Program: Adding two polynomials using Linked List SwashataNovember 30, 20118 So, this is our first C program in the blog. We first thought of creating a separate blog for C & C++ related...
WP Programming TimThumb vulerability – How it got hacked & how to recover SwashataNovember 29, 20113 In our last post, we talked about the fact that we got hacked because of TimThumb vulnerability. While fixing the...
About Intechgrity reincarnated – Recovered from TimThumb vulnerability SwashataNovember 29, 2011 It's been quite a long and this time, I really had to suffer for my negligence. For a past few days, if you had a visit...
WP Programming Properly add pagination to your WordPress Plugin SwashataJuly 23, 201111 It has been quite a long I am doing stuffs with WordPress. The one of the nice thing about WordPress is, we get a ready...