Terminal Commands Common directory and file management commands in Linux SwashataJuly 19, 20124 The 5th one in the series (with around 5 more left), and this time we are going to talk about common directory and file...
C & C++ Concept Analysis How to write pattern programs in C in a few easy steps arnabJuly 19, 2012194 If you are visiting this page then you must be having some problems in printing patterns. I remember I was in class 8...
C & C++ Sample Prorgams Bubble Sort Code example in C & CPP – Understand the algorithm too abhishekJuly 18, 20122 Bubble sort is also known as exchange sort. Bubble sort is a simplest sorting algorithm. In bubble sort algorithm array...
Terminal Commands System, Network & Disk management Linux commands you should know to manage your web server SwashataJuly 18, 2012 We have already completed our discussion on connecting to our Web Server using SSH. I'd recommend you to follow the...
System Admin Howto: Generate SSH Keys on your local computer and use with the Server SwashataJuly 16, 20122 Earlier, we have talked about using cPanel username password and cPanel generated keys to login to your webserver...
Terminal Commands SSH to WebHost using public/private SSH keys login generated by cPanel SwashataJuly 16, 2012 On our earlier tutorial we've seen how we can login to our webhost through SSH tunnel using our cPanel username and...
About Home page revamped SwashataJuly 16, 2012 Hello folks, Finally we've revamped our homepage. As you can see, currently our home page shows recent articles from...
PHP Howto: Rotate and Flip images in PHP using GD, retaining PNG transparency SwashataJuly 14, 2012 So, this is the second of the PHP Image Manipulation series and today, we are going to talk about how to rotate and...
Terminal Commands How to: SSH into your webhost using cPanel credentials through Linux Console SwashataJuly 13, 20122 So we are back on a better server. Moving our WordPress sites from one server to another, proved to be a charm using...
About We are moving to WP Web Host SwashataJuly 9, 20123 Everything seems to be stable and DNS propagation complete. So our move was successful. Thanks to WP Web Host for...