Java Programs Merge Sort in Java arnabOctober 8, 2012 Introduction: Merge sort is a divide and conquer algorithm. Conceptually, a merge sort works as follows Divide...
Java Programs Insertion Sort in Java using Binary Search arnabOctober 8, 2012 Introduction: Insertion Sort is a simple sorting technique which is efficient for sorting small arrays and lists. The...
iTg WP Plugin News Turn your WordPress blog into Feedback, Survey or Quiz site using WP Feedback & Survey Manager Plugin SwashataAugust 11, 20122 I am glad to release another WordPress plugin. Last to last year, while working on our college Annual Fest, I developed...
How tos Howto: Automount Windows NTFS partition on Ubuntu with global Read/Write access SwashataAugust 3, 20121 It's been quite a while I am using Ubuntu Linux as my primary Operating system. Before that, I was using Windows, and...
iTg WP Plugin News WordPress Advertisement Management with Revenue Sharing – Coming soon SwashataJuly 29, 20129 Hello folks, I am pleased to tell you that the plugin I've been working on since last month, is almost complete and...
C & C++ Sample Prorgams 10 C programs you must know before appearing for technical interviews arnabJuly 25, 201229 If you haven't opened Turbo C++ for more than a year and the campus placements are not very far away then you are at...
Server Management Howto: Move WordPress site to another Host remotely without downtime and downloading SwashataJuly 25, 20122 Last time we had talked about moving to WPWebHost. During the migration process, you did not really notice any...
Algorithm Analysis Algorithm Analysis – Easy Learning akashJuly 25, 20121 ¶ personally thank all those programmers who build lots of cool and useful applications on internet and many of them...
Wordpress news Pros and Cons of using WordPress JetPack comments on your self hosted blog SwashataJuly 20, 20128 Recently, WordPress JetPack came with an update which allowed us to use like commenting system on our...
Useful Apps Ubuntu Desktop to integrate Web Apps SwashataJuly 20, 2012 Just today I saw this awesome upcoming feature of Ubuntu, Web Apps Integration. It will integrate web based application...