PHP Using PHP GET and POST simultaneously via single HTML form SwashataAugust 24, 20109 As we know, HTTP POST and HTTP GET are two great means of passing user data to servers. Previously, we have discussed...
PHP Understanding the basic of HTML form and PHP GET and POST method SwashataAugust 23, 20102 The idea of this post originated from the topic, using PHP GET and POST method simultaneously via a single form. While...
MySQL MySQL FLOAT vs DEC: working with fraction and decimal [DEC] SwashataAugust 22, 20103 So far we have covered many of of useful datatypes of MySQL. Some of them are integers, text, varchar and most...
WP Programming Add dynamic Login Logout n Site Admin button to WordPress using WP API SwashataAugust 19, 201015 This tutorial is about adding a "dynamic" login/logout and Site Admin button somewhere on your wordpress theme...
Wordpress APIs Determine Plugin Directory and URL in WordPress using WP API SwashataAugust 18, 20104 While developing my own Wordpress Plugins, I had many occasions where I had to know the URL of the plugin. Especially...
Wordpress Plugins Simple Google Sitemap – Less resource hungy sitemap generator tool for WordPress SwashataAugust 17, 20108 If you have been using the famous Google XML Sitemap generator from arnebrachhold on a shared hosting, then you might...
PHP Understanding PHP eval function and usage Do more than just evaluating SwashataAugust 14, 201020 No doubt PHP is a powerful interpreter... It has everything a programmer need to make his program. Today we are going...
PHP Howto: Stream downloadable files using PHP and tell browser to save it instead of opening SwashataAugust 10, 201016 Just a few days back, we were having some discussion at DigitalPoints forum about sharing and streaming download links...
iTg WP Plugin News Move Intense Debate Comment from Blogger to WordPress using Export XML ~ First WP plugin by iTg SwashataAugust 10, 201027 Okay, so after quite a bit of wait, here is our First Wordpress Plugin... We have named it, IntenseDebate XML Importer...
Firefox Addons Howto: Use Google Page Speed Firebug addon to test your website performance and fix errors SwashataAugust 6, 20103 This morning we talked about YSlow Firebug Addon and how to use it for increasing performance of your website/blog. But...