Make a good looking simple Poll system [twtpoll] for your Blogger blog and add it as a Widget in 4 easy steps

Blogger does have a Poll system but it is not that effective or not that good looking. Obviously polls are important part of a blog where the bloggers can interact with their readers in a decent and a precise manner. If you like to create an attractive yet simple Poll for your Blogspot blog [like me] then you should give twtpoll a hit. And also its quite easy to do that.
Assuming that you already have a Twitter account —
Here is the step by step instruction

  • Goto

  • Simply enter your twitter name, Question and relevant answers/options to Poll on.

  • Enter Expiration date and Hit on Create poll and you are done creating the poll.

  • Now navigate to the Embed tab on twtpoll and under Question area of Embed this invite on your Website section select and copy the script codes
  • Now goto Blogger Dashboard Layout Add a Gadget HTML/Javascript and paste the code which you have copied previously. Give a suitable title to the poll and place the Widget to the place which suits you best.
  • The widget will automatically set its width and height to adjust itself and now you have a good looking and yet a simple, fast loading Poll widget on your blog.

You can also tweet about this poll on twitter to attract more visitors and friends. Do set some interesting question to see how your precious readers react on them. Also you can communicate with your readers through the comment section which is included on the twtpoll…
I hope you are on you way to make a good looking poll for your Blog. If you have any better option then please share it with ussmile

~~The End~~

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