HP to boost up recycling and reusing concept in India

Reduce-Reuse-Recycle ► Respect

Recycling is a very much important concern and atleast here in India where thousands of tonnes of junks are being dumped each and every day we should think about reusing our daily commodities including our gadgets.
Well Hewlett-Packard [in short HP] has came forward to show its recycling programme . This recycling programme will start by May 15th and will include 17 HP service centers across nine cities of India. Users can drop off their junk hardwares including printers, scanners, fax machine, Notebook and househeld PCs, and even monitors, cameras and other components. Its quiet good isnt it.

A quick googling gave the location of the several service center all over the India. So if you have any junkie gadgets at your home dont forget to visit HERE and make a good use of “Reduce-Reuse-Recycle” Policy smile.

News are there that due to this announcement of extending HP recycling programme beyond Corporate customers and thereby including consumers and small and medium size businesses [SMBs], SMBs will surely get benefitted from this. Well its good for Indians as there are several SMBs. Infact if you ask me then I will say that with this kind of evolutionary change HP’s recycling service has actually made the “consumers to do their part of environmental sustainability easier”

I just visitied their official site to check their statistics and policy! I was actually impressed with this–>
They say that

Recovered for reuse 3.5 million hardware units weighing 75 million pounds (34,000 tonnes), an increase of more than 16 percent compared with 2007

and also

Recycled 265 million pounds (120,000 tonnes), a 6 percent increase in annual recycling volume over 2007 levels

Infact their recycling policy is also impressive which is something like this:

So now let us take a quick look at the important links

  1. HP – Home Page
  2. HP announces consumers recycling programme in India
  3. HP Office locations
  4. HP global recycling statistics
  5. SMBs to get benefited from HP recycle policy
~~The End~~

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  1. Swashata

    Thank you for your precious feedback!
    As I have exams till 26th so posting rate is a bit low now 🙂 ! But its really my great pleasure to see good readers like you visiting our Blog :d

    -Thank you

  2. Swashata

    Thank you for your precious feedback!
    As I have exams till 26th so posting rate is a bit low now 🙂 ! But its really my great pleasure to see good readers like you visiting our Blog :d

    -Thank you

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