Google's new communication & collaboration tool – GOOGLE WAVE


Google wants to take it one step further with a brand new method of communication for this new era. It’s called Google Wave

Google sees the web heading towards with the move to the HTML 5 standard. [Currently we are on HTML 4] While we’re not there yet, all the major browser [We can expect the same from Mozilla Firefox 3.5 [preview] soon] players besides Microsoft are aligned and ready for the next phase, which will include such things as the ability to run 3D games and movies in the browser without additional plug-ins. But Google wants to take it one step further with a brand new method of communication for this new era. It’s called Google Wave.

well m sure that there must be a question in your mind . What on earth does it do . so let me tell you in Simplest terms: Google Wave is Gmail on crack. Imagine Gmail, Google Talk, and Google Docs in one big inbox.

Today Everyone uses email and instant messaging on the web , but imagine tying those two forms of communication together and adding a load of functionality on top of it. That’s essentially what Wave is.


  • Wave features a left-hand sidebar “Navigation” and a list of your contacts, from Google Contacts, below that. But the main part of the screen is your Wave inbox, similar to your Gmail inbox.
  • There are also number indicators signifying if there is new content in that thread. This is an important distinction from Gmail — it isn’t just about new messages, there can be any kind of new content in these waves.

Here’s a screenshot to give you an idea what it looks like


  • Clicking on any of the wave threads opens another pane to the right of the inbox that shows that wave in its entirety. Suppose one wave is a message from a friend and you want to reply to it. If they’re not currently online, you can do it below their message just as you may in Gmail minus the bulky new message creator to pop open, you simply start typing below your friend’s message.Cool isn’t it !!
  • If you want to add another friend to the wave.Then just go to your contact box and drag their picture into the wave. Now this is where the real fun starts,If that friend wants to get caught up on what everyone else in the wave has already been talking about, they can do so by using the “Playback” feature. This is sort of like rewinding the wave to see what has happened in the past and you can watch it progress through its changes.


Wave takes this to the next level. It combines the notions of a process as people add and subtract and update; it has the benefit of a wiki – a snapshot of current knowledge; it can be live; it can feed a blog page with the latest; it can feed Twitter with updates; it is itself the collaborative tool that lets participants question each other.

It has potential because it’s a protocol, not a tool. Twitter is a tool that is afraid to establish itself as a protocol. I think Wave might have potential because of this, although I haven’t watched the video of the announcement yet. Unfortunately, from the images I’ve seen, it looks like the first tool Google built on the protocol is Outlook on crack. There’s a distinction that needs to be made.

Wave isn’t just the email we’d invent if email were invented today, as was Google’s goal. Wave is what news can be if we invent it today, as we must.

Wave is the new news.
