Crimson Editor and Notepad++ – The two best Text editors for Programmers

Programming some self learned languages like Javascript, CSS, HTML has been one of my hobbies related to computer and for this the worst problem I faced initially was choosing the right text editor. We do have notepad in Windows but it is not that effective! And also it does give us the features we need to write our programmings quickly and also to debug them!

Well I have experimented with many text editors and finally I have found two of them to be really useful and effective –> Crimson Editor and Notepad++.

Both of them are obviously FREEWARES and have their own Pros and Cons but there is nothing better than these twoswink.
Let us make a quick Analysis on the features supported by both of them…

Features supported By both:

  • Syntax highlighting for a large variety of languages including HTML, JS, JAVA, Pearl and more than 100 cofigured languages.
  • Unlimited Undo/Redo Buffer
  • Macro recording and Playbacks
  • Tabbed editing for Multiple documents
  • Printing codes with Syntax highlights [WYSIWYG print]
  • Better Find and Replace feature including Regular expression
  • Spell check

With these useful and MUST have features both of the editors have become leaders at their field. But there are some distinctions between them. Let us take a quick look on that

Unique feature supported by Crimson Editor:
The feature I like most is Auto Tabbing! Like if we press the Return [Enter] key after a curly bracket “{” then the next line in automatically tabbed to one unit. Obviously the rule continues for other successive curly brackets as well! Here is a screenshot to explain more

Unique feature supported by Notepad++:
The best and unbeatable feature is Plugin support! You can choose between many freely available plugins to power up your Notepad++ to the next level. You can choose from variety of plugins from here

Well thats it for now! If you ask me then I use Crimson Editor for writing JS and for other like HTML, CSS, XML I prefer Notepad++! Use them both to get the ultimate programming text editing power at your hand

Crimson Editor Link:
Homepage: Click Here
Download: Click Here

Notepad++ Link:
Homepage: Click Here
Download: Click Here
Plugin Page: Click Here

Please do tell me how you liked this twi text editor and also do share your experiencesmile

~~The End~~

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  1. Swashata

    We have changed our Blogger comment system from default to instant debate! and it is better than before ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. Los Angeles seo

    Both are good tools, but I preffer using Notepad++. Cheers!


  3. jlr

    crimson editor is fast, small and has all the features I need for C++ dev work.

  4. Pingback: John Hamelink

  5. Truth Hurts

    how do you images or tables with these editors if you are using it for html? Ehmmm???

    • Swashata Post author

      Using manual coding like:

      <img src="path/to/img/file.jpg" class="class_name" />

      There is no hard and fast way to do things like these. Personally I prefer manual/hand coding.

  6. john21

    Crimson have a rich of full syntax highlighting for java codes , so i choose Crimson (migrate from notepad++)

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